David K. Atkins
Executive Producer
The Sherry Show
8653 W Sunset Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90069

Loyal Viewers,

Thank you for your interest in The Sherry Show! It is the questions and comments from you, the audience, which makes the show what it is.

While The Sherry Show is free we have a very high demand for studio seating during the taping. This means we need you to write us four months in advance to arrange for your tickets, and we cannot give you more than four tickets per party. We tape Monday through Friday from 9:30 to 11:00 AM. We need you in your seats by 9:00. We close the studio doors at 9:15 and they stay closed until 11:00. If someone does not show up on time their seats are available on a first come first serve basis. Due to the long taping sessions and widespread circulation of The Sherry Show children under the age of 12 will not be admitted.

Send your ticket reservations to tickets@thesherryshow.com.  We look forward to seeing you in the audience!


David Atkins
Executive Producer


Both Wendy and O.J. are excellently qualified for the position in Rio de Janeiro. While I would personally prefer to work with Wendy I believe O.J. will be the better overall choice. This being our initial foray into the Brazilian market I do not think we should challenge their traditional social structures. Perhaps we can bring Martha in in two years after we have a foothold. She will be able to take the groundwork O.J. lays and take it even further.

Thank you for seeking my opinion on this!


David K. Atkins
IUS Student Extraordinaire

RE: Chain of Command


I have been considering the problem you presented me the other day and I have a question.  Why are we bringing in a temp to organize this move?  It would be much smoother to put someone who has already acclimated to this work environment in charge.  I understand you are too busy to take the reins, but what about Bob?  He’s already stepped up and started telling the temp what to do.  I suggest we just put Bob in charge of the move altogether.

Thank you for addressing this issue. We all appreciate it.


David K. Atkins
IUS Student Extraordinaire


Hello.  If you are reading this I feel I must warn you that this blog is merely a business writing class assignment and will most likely not impart any sort of entertainment and/or pleasure from your perusal.  If you are still reading this you are either from my class or have an unnatural penchant for reading fake business letters.  In either case, hello!  Welcome to my blog!